Difference Between a Home Inspection and an Appraisal


What’s the Difference Between a Home Inspection and an Appraisal? If you’re planning to buy a home, an inspection is an important step in the process. It assesses the condition of the home before you finalize the transaction. It’s also a different step in the process from an appraisal, which is a professional evaluation of […]

Falling out of Love with Your House? It May Be Time To Move.


Owning a home and knowing when to move on Owning a home means having a place that’s solely your own and provides the space, features, and location you and your loved ones need. But what happens when your needs change? If this hits home for you, it may be time to make a move. According […]

5 Reasons Millennials Are Buying Homes


5 Reasons Millennials Are Buying Homes In the United States, there are over 72 million millennials. If you’re part of that generation and have thought about buying a home, you aren’t alone. According to Zonda, 98% of millennials want to become a homeowner at some point if they aren’t already. But why? There are plenty […]